``...one of the highlights of Toulouse is undoubtedly the Marché Victor Hugo and a tour of it run by Jessica Hammer of Taste of Toulouse.
Read more``A priority for food lovers is a morning spent revelling in fresh chocolatines and choux pastries in the historic Victor Hugo market, ideally with guidance from a Taste of Toulouse food tour.``
Read more``If you like your food and yearn to learn more about the country’s world-renowned cuisine then there’s no better way to spend an afternoon.``
Read more``For full culinary immersion head to the Victor Hugo market to sample what are hands-down the best cheeses, pastries and wines I’ve ever tasted...The market can be hectic, so tap up passionate Francophile Jessica for a food tour.``
Read more``Walking around with Jessica, sampling the delicious produce was one of the highlights of my weekend in Toulouse.``
Read more``To sample more local specialties, the Taste of Toulouse food tour is absolutely not to be missed.``
Read more``Jessica offers a fabulous overview of Toulouse’s sweet treats – many of them completely off the tourist radar (well, at least mine!)...``
Read more"La meilleure façon d'apprécier la culture gastronomique de la ville est d'embarquer pour une balade gourmande des saveurs de Toulouse... ".
Read more``Victor Hugo market offers delights for all tastes and is best experienced with American expat Jessica at Taste of Toulouse tours, where you can experience the best produce the market has to offer.``
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